Sindh Rural Support Organization ( SRSO ) was incorporated on May 29, 2003, as a not-for-profit Organization and registered under section 42 of the Companies Act 2017 (Formerly known as Companies Ordinance, 1984). SRSO is funded by the government of Sindh to work in the designated districts of Sindh. The government has endorsed this policy to achieve poverty reduction goals through community empowerment, skills enhancement, capacity building and development of community-supported infrastructure projects, and the provision of support for income generation, enterprise development, and micro-credit. For this purpose, SRSO organizes the local communities and develops their managerial and technical capacity. People and the government are supported in forging partnerships and inculcating a sense of ownership among the people. SRSO is presently entrusted with fostering a network of community organizations at the grassroots level across the Sindh province and works in the following sub-sects while applying the participatory development approach of sustainable development goals.
1,412,351 poor households have been organized to empower rural communities through a 3-tier women-led social mobilization approach in the form of 78,785 Community Organizations, (COs), 13,859 Village Organizations (VOs), and 589 Local Support Organizations (LSOs) in 15 outreach districts of Sindh, Pakistan.
1,069,354 community members, 1, 039, staff members, and 23,569 livestock have been insured and 4,479 patients treated/died in the community, 1,039, employees insured in medical health insurance, and 393 animal death claimed.
Through micro-finance, the Total Amount disbursed (In Million) was 24,319 (Agriculture 8,120, Livestock 8,173 and 8,026) to beneficiaries 958,040 (Women 872,031 and Men 86,009) to improve livelihoods and reduce poverty in 14 covering districts of Sindh, Pakistan.
9.39476 trees have been planted with the support of community institutions and government departments in outreached 15 districts of Sindh to achieve the goal of Green Sindh and combat climate change’s adverse impacts on lives and livelihoods.
10،559 children & adolescents ( Boys 6,288 & Girls 4,271) of rural communities have access to the right to education in 144 established education institutions (92 established community schools, 03 Adolescent and 67 Non-Formal Education Centers) in 05 districts.
405, 484 community members of community institutions (CIs) have been trained in community management skills training in outreached 15 districts of Sindh.
108,131 community members especially youth have been trained in job-market-oriented skills to reduce poverty and unemployment in outreached 15 districts of Sindh.
Organized 6,005 rural artisans in 308 rural artisan women Business Development Groups and supported and promoted their hand-made crafts for improving livelihoods through designed products, training, functional literacy, and marketing in Sartyoon sang outlet and exhibitions.
50,745 different community physical infrastructures i.e. sanitation, drinking water, village improvement and communication, irrigation, and other multiple schemes have been completed successfully and benefited 315,291 beneficiaries in 15 covering districts.
15,676,232 low-cost and resilient houses have been constructed to provide safe and decent shelter for ultra-poor and flood-affected households in rural areas of 13 districts of Sindh.